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Will Indonesian Clerics Forbid Naughty Songs?

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I believe that Majelis Ulama Indonesia, an Indonesian clerics club, is the most productive. They have released various proscription fatwa on various issues that in on the public discourse and trending topics. Yesterday, they released proscription on subsidized gasoline usage. This is a funny proscription since they are seems to manipulate Islamic Law to flirt the government that is on struggle to manage energy deficit. Today, I read an article on the urgency of proscription fatwa for Naughty Songs. I am a kind of optimist. I believe that MUI will effectively response such demand when the discourse is hot and in the trending topics radar. So, just wait another funny proscription fatwa.

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Written by Berita Demokrasi

June 29, 2011 at 10:39 am

Posted in Indonesia

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